In planning (5)
Signhost Portal Signhost API

Signing flow UX improvements

Signhost Portal

Contact list for signers

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Signature delegation to another signer

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Signature validation

Signhost API

Oauth 2 for Evidos API

In development (4)
Signhost API

Power Automate connector

Signhost Portal

Sign batches v2

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Qualified Consumer Signing without app install

Complete (30)
Signhost Portal Signhost API ID Proof

On the Fly IDV Signing

Signhost Portal Signhost API

IDeal 2.0 support

Signhost Portal

Signature drag and drop in Portal v2

Evidos App android Evidos App IOS

Rebrand Evidos app to Signhost

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Sealing with customer company certificate

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Entrust identity as a service (iDaaS) integration

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Support for Qualified timestamps

Evidos App android Evidos App IOS ID Proof

Use Evidos app for ID Proof NFC validations

Signhost Portal

Document viewer in our portal

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Create and manage own appkey in Evidos portal

Signhost Portal

Multi-language receipt

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Developer menu in portal

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Let signer choose their preferred method while signing

Evidos App android Evidos App IOS

Easier activation of Evidos app

Signhost Portal Signhost API

2 factor download documents

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Entrust Remote Signing Service in Signhost

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Use PAdES - LT profile in signatures

Signhost Portal

Manually send out reminders

Signhost Portal

ZealiD Qualified in portal

Signhost Portal

New transaction UI

Signhost API

ZealiD Qualified signing method

Signhost Portal Signhost API

Expand language support for signers