Signhost product team
On the Fly IDV Signing
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Exciting news: sign with your identity document in Signhost

AUTHOR: Signhost product team

We are thrilled to announce that a new signing option will soon be available on our platform: Sign with your identity document!

This advanced signing method ensures foolproof signatures by scanning the passport or ID card, and matching this document with the face of the signer via a selfie check. Supporting over 11,500 document types globally, this solution eliminates country boundaries, providing a secure and reliable signing process for users around the world.

This enables verified signing for places or audiences that do not have E-IDs.

How it works

Our new feature combines the strength of Entrust's newly acquired company, Onfido, with Signhost’s robust signing workflow. This super-safe and easy-to-use verification method integrates seamlessly into:

  • The Signhost web portal

  • The Signhost API

Supported document types:

  • Passport

  • ID card

  • Resident permit


  1. Send out contract and choose Onfido verification.

  2. The signer receives an invite, approves the document, proceeds to the next step.

  3. The signer er verifies by capturing an image of their identity document on their phone.

  4. The signer completes a liveness check with a selfie using the phone’s camera.

  5. Data is compared and the signature is completed or declined.

Information you get back in the transaction receipt

  • Name

  • Date of birth

  • Document type

  • Document number

  • Expiry date of the document

This data can be automatically retrieved in your system via the API or available in the Signhost portal.

Identity document signing will be part of our credit model.

Get your own IDV solution

The above flow will be the default process, available directly via Signhost. If you want more data from the document, or apply your own business logic, this is also possible by upgrading to Onfido studio and letting us link your own Onfido environment to Signhost.

Some examples:

  • Only allow certain nationalities

  • Apply risk-based checks during the IDV process

  • Retrieve data fields based on business logic.

Contact us via, +31237370046 or via the chat on to learn more.

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