Signhost product team
ZealiD Qualified in portal
Signhost Portal

Release ZealID in portal

AUTHOR: Signhost product team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: ZealiD Qualified in portal

We just released our Qualified Signing method as a choice in our portal.

Before, you could only use this in our api, but this will enable us to turn in on in your portal as well upon request. Contact us at or by phone or chat to learn more.

If your target audience is drawing from all over Europe, it makes sense to look for a pan-European qualified solution. Evidos has integrated ZealiD for this. ZealiD makes it possible for any European citizen to activate a qualified signing app within 15 minutes at no cost to the signers. It gives cross-border organizations a valid and easy-to-use way to put qualified signatures on sensitive contracts and agreements.

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