Signhost product team
Increase API upload filesize to 50mb
Signhost API

API updates 02/05/2022

AUTHOR: Signhost product team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Increase API upload filesize to 50mb


- The maximum filesize of uploaded files in our API has been changed from 25mb to 50mb.

- We added an extra security layer on our API tokens (or usertokens as they are called in our portal). This results newly generated tokens becoming a bit longer, and having a new format: xxxxx.xxxxxx... Your current usertoken will remain valid. If you want to benefit from the extra security layer on our tokens, you can generate a new one in the portal, use it in your integration, and remove the old one.


- We improved handling of transactions during high load. We now register that a signer has signed when they finish the action in the portal. That way they can not return to the signing environment after they signed. Before, while we were processing, the transaction was still available and signers could be under the impression that they had to sign again because the link was still available.

- Improved certificate checking behaviour around our ZealiD verification connector.

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